To turn on “DHCAST128″ support please do the following:
1) Launch /Applications/Utilities/Terminal and do:
sudo chmod o+w /Library/Preferences defaults write /Library/Preferences/ afp_host_prefs_version -int 1
Now restart your computer.
2) From Finder, select an AFP server, or use “Connect To…”. This will cause the AFP Client to create the full preferences file
3) Launch Terminal again and do:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ afp_disabled_uams -array “Cleartxt Passwrd” “MS2.0″ “2-Way Randnum exchange” sudo chmod o-w /Library/Preferences
Now restart your computer.
Note: To add a “DHCAST128″ to the disable list, use
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ afp_disabled_uams -array-add “DHCAST128″