Here is a list of all the port’s installed to make php5 match apple’s build
php -i will dump an info file out.
php5 @5.3.5 lang/php5
php5-curl @5.3.5 php/php5-curl
php5-exif @5.3.5 php/php5-exif
php5-ftp @5.3.5 php/php5-ftp
php5-gd @5.3.5 php/php5-gd
php5-iconv @5.3.5 php/php5-iconv
php5-imap @5.3.5 php/php5-imap
php5-mbstring @5.3.5 php/php5-mbstring
php5-mysql @5.3.5 php/php5-mysql
php5-openssl @5.3.5 php/php5-openssl
php5-posix @5.3.5 php/php5-posix
php5-soap @5.3.5 php/php5-soap
php5-xmlrpc @5.3.5 php/php5-xmlrpc
php5-xsl @5.3.5 php/php5-xsl
php5-zip @5.3.5 php/php5-zip