In Casper 9, the default settings are to use a JDS style store of scripts into the JSS DB and Zipping non flat PKG’s
Iy you wish to return this to the old Casper 8 system do the following
1. Backup the Database
2. Remove all zipped pkg’s and scripts from the JSS using Casper Admin
3. Stop Tomcat on all servers attached to the DB, That includes all cluster nodes
4. Connect to your Mysql server using
5. Select your JSS database in mysql
6. Change the flag that controls the JSS package behavour
7. Restart MySQL
8. Restart Tomcat on all servers and nodes
Following this you should see a ‘Migrate’ option in Casper Admin.
Please note that if this button is pressed again you will get a warning message and if executed all scripts will revert to the database, and non-flat packages compressed.